

My name is Laura. I am on a spiritual journey and I hope you’ll join me.

My greatest desire is to pursue a meaningful life through deep reflection, authentic relationships, and time seeking the Spirit. I like to write down my thoughts and prayers which usually center around God’s all encompassing love for everyone. I also love creating and singing music that has language which points me to the Spirit’s love. My purpose is to be in a genuine relationship with God and those around me. Worship Leader @mosaicfumc at First United Methodist Church of Denton, TX.

Just One Word

Just One Word

A Prayer from the Beloved:

If I could speak a word,

Just one word,

so you might understand

that what you feel,

what you say,

what you have written on your chest

and buried in your bones

the thoughts you’ll never utter

and the world I see through your eyes

If I could just speak a word and make it so,

What would that word be?

So you would believe me when I say you are loved,

That you would hear me when I tell you

that your life matters

Your words matter,

That you matter,

That I am listening.


If I could whisper just one thing in your ear

Could you tell me the answer?

So I can tell you mine:

that You, my beloved, have this gift

worth more than I could possibly

give value to 

because those words don’t exist in your world.

If you could hear me speak

these truths into existence,

Would you believe me?


If I could convince you that you could change the world

By speaking love

In art and song and word

to one,

and then another

and make








through your words and actions

Even in fear

And change,

hope  and scarcity,

joy and life ,

and even in death.


Would you know then?

This word that is love?

So take it, hold it tightly to your chest

And bury it in your lungs,

Take what I have given you,

all that I am,

And let this love,

be someone else’s solid ground. 

Photo by Jakob Owens 

A Letter to Myself

A Letter to Myself

See Me

See Me